In many ways, energy medicine can be a more effective way to address a wide variety of ills than current methods of medical treatment. While all molecular treatments are energy — for example, pharmaceutical drugs — all that is energy is not molecular. Energy includes both the molecular and non-molecular, the particle and the wave. Every human condition, of health as well as disease, is energetic and can be viewed in that light. However, applying molecular solutions to situations that exist due to non-molecular energetic factors, only amplifies our molecular problems.
We are beginning to learn that not only can we read the energetics of a given condition, we can also use this knowledge and, with available technology, help people change the condition themselves. When an actual change in consciousness has occurred, it too can be measured, as it shows up in one’s energetic readings, and is both observable and measurable.
The time to wean ourselves from considering only molecular solutions to situations that are beyond molecular energy’s range is clearly past due.
At the Enhancement Institute in Houston, Texas, energetic awareness is the rule, rather than the exception. Several “energy-conscious” diagnostic and “conditioning” systems are used to help clients, both adults and children, who wish to affect meaningful changes in relationship and behavior patterns. An example of a behavior that has been turned into a treatable disease pathology is “attention deficit disorder” (ADD) and ADD with hyperactivity (ADHD). Methylphenidate, marketed under the brand name of Ritalin, has become the “go to” drug prescribed by clinical psychiatrists on behalf of exasperated teachers and guidance counselors.
Never mind that these children routinely exist on sugar highs, aspartame lows, and the effects of dehydration and nutritional deficiencies, combined with untold numbers of chemicals, artificial preservatives, not to mention electro-pollution. Their body chemistry already out of balance, the doctors simply give them a “sedative” for the “condition,” further dimming their energetic light.
It was a pleasure to visit a place that does things differently. And yet, in some ways, the Enhancement Institute was a stranger in its own home. Practicing “alternative” methods that don’t go by “The Book” is not for the feint of heart. But when you want to truly help people and “The Book” needs an update, what do you do? If you truly care, you place results over orthodoxy. You give your preference to higher understandings even if they obsolete the traditional. That’s what Nancy White, PhD, director of the Enhancement Institute, has done.
On very short notice, Dr. White adjusted her schedule opened her facility, setting up an impromptu video studio in the Energy Enhancement room, which houses an Energy Enhancement System (www.eesystem.com) that produces scalar (5th dimensional) waves. The podcasts that follow are the two Talk For Food shows that resulted from this visit.
Show #: 070
Title: The Enhancement Institute Leads Path into ‘Energy Conscious’ Therapies
Using Neurofeedback, Quantitative EEG, and other non-pharmaceutical modalities, the Enhancement Institute is helping individuals with such conditions as ADD, ADHD, depression and more, to heal themselves. To learn more, Adam travels to Houston, Texas to meet Dr. Nancy White, Ph.D., Clinical Director and recognized leader in the field of Neurotherapy. He also speaks with Karen White, who explains some of the remarkable results obtained using Alpha-Theta therapy. This is the first part of two shows from the Enhancement Institute, which was also videotaped.
Show #071
Title: Ego Sequestering and Scalar Wave Therapies at the Enhancement Institute
This is a continuation interviews from the Enhancement Institute in Houston, Texas. Adam continues his discussion with Karen White on Alpha Theta therapy, where the ego is temporarily set aside to allow a client to see with higher insight. Then he discusses the nuts and bolts of the Energy Enhancement System, a technology that, if you didn’t understand the principles that it works under, would appear to create miraculous results, with Leonard Richards.
Enhancement Institute Web Site: www.enhancementinstitute.com
I would really like to establish communication with you. Ed has passed the baton to me, and I recently saw your Understanding MMS, and I just watched the Andreas Kalcker video. WOW!
Please email me, thank you!
2010 is going to MMS incredible!